Avoid C arbon Monoxide
Pois oni ng
All engine exha us t contains carb on
monoxide, a dea dly gas. Br ea thing c ar-
bon monoxide can cause headaches,
dizziness , drowsines s , nausea, confu-
sion and eventuall y death.
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odor-
less, tasteless gas that may be present
even if you do no t see or s m ell an y en-
gine exha us t. Deadly l evels of carbon
monoxide ca n collect rapidly, and you
can quickly be overcom e and una ble
to save yourself. Also, deadly levels of
carbon monoxide can linger for hours
or days in enclosed or poorly venti lated
areas. If you exp erience any sy m p-
toms of carb on monoxide poisoning,
leave the area immedi ately, get fresh
air and seek medical treatment.
To prevent serious injury or death from
carbon m onox ide:
Never run the watercraft in poorly
ventilated or partially enclosed ar-
eas such as boa t houses , seawalls
or other boats in close proximity.
Even if you try to ventilate engi ne
exhaust, carbon monoxide can
rapidly reach dange rous leve ls.
Never run the watercr a ft outdoors
where engine exhaust can be drawn
into a building through openings
such as window s and doors .
Never sta nd behind the wa tercraft
while engine is running. The per-
son may inhales exhaust fumes i n
concentration. Inhalation of con-
centrated exhaust fumes, which
contain carbon m onoxide, c a n re-
sult in CO poisoning, personal injury
and death.
Avoid Gasoline Fires and
Other Hazar ds
Gasoline is extremely flammable a nd
highly explosive. Fuel vapors ca n
spread a nd be ignited by a spark or
flame many f eet away from the en-
gine. To reduce the risk of fire or explo-
sion, follow these instructions:
Refuel ou tdoors in a w ell ventilated
area away from flames, sparks, any-
one smo king and other sources of
Never add fuel with engine running.
Never top off the fuel ta nk . Leave
some room for th e fuel to expand
with temperature changes.
Wipe up a ny spi lled fuel.
Never start or operate the engine
with the fuel cap removed.
Use only an approved red gasoline
container to store fuel.
Do not carry gasoline co ntainers in
the front s tora ge compartment or
anywhere el se on the watercraft.
Gasoline is poisonous and c a n cause
injury or death.
Never siphon gasoline by mou th.
If you swallow gasoline, get any i n
your eye or inhale gasoline vapor,
see your doctor immediately.
If g asoline spills on you, wash w ith
soap and w ater and change your
Avoid Bur ns fr om Hot Parts
The ride plate, exhaus t sy stem and
engine become hot during operation.
Avoid contact during and shortly after
operation to avoid burns.
Do n ot make unauthorized modifica-
tions, or use accessories that are not
approved by BR P. Since these changes
have not been tested by BRP, they
injuries, and they can make the water-
craft illegal for use on water.
See your authorized Sea-Doo dea ler
for available accessories for your wa-