Reinstall ignition c oils. R ec onnec t igni-
tion coil connectors.
To reinstall engine cover, push it down-
ward until it snaps.
Wipe up any residual w a t er from t he
Disconne ct the garden hos e.
NO TE: It is recom mended to fog t he
engine v alv es with XP-S Lube. C onta c t
your authorized Sea -Doo deale r.
Engine Coolant Test
If antifreeze is not replaced, test its
The antifreeze replacement and a den-
sity test sho uld be performed by an au-
thorized Sea-Doo dealer.
NO TE: Antifreeze should be replaced
every 200 hours or e very 2 y ea rs to
prevent antifreeze deterioration.
Improper an tifree ze den-
sity might allow freezing of the liq-
uid in the cooling system if vehicle is
stored in are a w here freezing point
is reached. This would seriously
damage the engine.
Battery Removal a nd Charging
Contact you r authorized Sea-Doo
Ballast System Re m oval an d
Ballast ta nks should be remov ed from
watercraft and flushed w ith fresh wa-
ter to rem ov e any marine organisms.
NO TE: Connect a g arden hose to bal-
last tanks filling hose using quick con-
nector (P/ N 293 710 077) to ease clean-
Ballast tanks should be properly stored
in a vertical po sition w ith drain plugs at
the b ottom and opened to ensure wa-
ter drainage.
Bilge Cleaning
Clean the bilg e with hot water and de-
tergent or with bilge cleaner. Rinse
thoroughly. Lift front end of watercraft
to completely drain bilge.
Body and Hull Cleaning
Wash the body with soap andwater so-
lution (only use m ild detergent). Ri ns e
thoroughly with fresh w a ter. Remove
marine organisms from the hull.
Never clean fiberglass
gent, degreasing agent, paint thin-
ner, acetone, etc.
For gelcoat repairs, refer to an a utho-
rized Sea-Doo dealer. Replace dam-
aged label s /decals.
Anticorrosion Treatment
Wipe off any residual water in the en-
gine com pa rtmen t.
Spray XP-S Lube or e quiva lent over
metallic components in engine com -
Do not lubricate the DESS post.
Lubricate the throttle cabl e with XP-S
Lube o r eq uiva lent.
Body and Hull Repair
If any repairs a r e needed to body or
to the hull, contact your authorized
Sea-Doo dealer. For paint touch up of
mechanical parts use BRP spray paint.
Watercraft Protection
Apply a good qua lity m ar ine w ax to the
The seat and the s ea t extension should
be partially left opened. This will pre-
vent engine compartment condensa-
tion and possible corrosion .