Capsized Watercraft
The waterc raft i s designed so tha t it
should no t turn over easily. Also tw o
sponsons m ounted on the side of
the hul l a ssist watercraft stability. If
it turns over, it will remain capsized.
When watercraft is capsized, do
not attempt to restart the engine.
Operator and passengers shoul d
always wear approved personal
flotation devices.
To return the watercraft upright, en-
sure the eng ine is off and the DESS
key is NOT on its pos t then gra b the
inlet grate, s tep on bumper rail and use
your weight to rotate the w atercraft in
any direction.
The 4-TECâ„¢ engine features a tip-over
protection system (T.O.P.S.
). When
watercraft tips over, engine is automat-
ically stopped, then a valve is c losed to
prevent engine oil to flow back in in-
take system.
When watercraft is returned to its nor-
mal operating posit ion, engine can
then be started nor m ally.
If watercraf t has been
capsized for more than 5 minutes,
do not attempt to crank engine to
avoid water inge stion that wou ld
damage the engine. See an autho-
If engine does not crank,
do not attempt to start engine any-
more. Otherwise engine c ould
be damaged. See an authorized
Sea-Doo dealer as soon as possi-
As soon as possible, check for pres-
ence of water in th e bilge. Drain a s
necessary w hen back to the shore.
Submerged Watercraft
To limit dam ag es to the engine, per-
form the following procedure as soon
as possible.
Drain bilge.
If it was subm erged in salt water, spray
bilge and all components with fres h
water u sing a garden hose to stop the
salt corroding effect.
Never try to crank or start
the en gine. Water tr app ed in intake
manifold would flow towards the
engine and may cause severe dam-
age to the engine.
Bring the watercraft to be serviced by
an authorized Sea-Doo dealer a s soon
as possible.
The longer the delay be-
fore you have the engin e serviced,
the greater the damage to the en-
gine will be.
Water-Fl ooded Engi ne
Never try to crank or start
the en gine. Water tr app ed in intake
manifold would flow towards the
engine and may cause severe dam-
age to the engine.
Bring the watercraft to be serviced by
an authorized Sea-Doo dealer a s soon
as possible.
The longer the delay be-
fore you have the engin e serviced,
the greater the damage to the en-
gine will be. Failure to have the en-
gine properly serviced may cause
severe en gi ne damage.
Towing the Watercraft in
Special precautions should be taken
when towing a Sea-Doo watercraft in
Maximum re co m m ended towing
speed is 24 km/h (15 MPH).