Reminders R egarding
O p eratio n
The performance of thi s watercraft
may significantly e xceed that of
other craft you ma y have operat ed.
Make sure y ou r ead and understand
the conten t of the Operator's Gui de
to become completely familiar with
the controls and operation of the
watercraft before embarking on
your first trip or tak ing on a passen-
ger(s). If you have not had the op-
portunity to do so, practice driving
solo in a s uitable traffic free a rea and
feel the re spons e of each control.
Be fully familiar with all controls be-
fore accelerating above idle speed.
Do not assume that all PWCs han-
dle identically. Each model diffe rs,
often substantially.
Always keep in mind that as the
throttle lever is return ed to the idle
position, less di re ctiona l c ontrol is
available. To turn the watercraft,
both steering and throttle are nec-
Like most wa tercraft, this w ater-
craft has no brake. Stopping dis-
tance wi ll va r y depending on ini-
tial s peed, load, wind, and water
conditions. Practice stopping and
docking in a safe, traffic-free area to
have an idea of how long it will take
to stop the waterc ra ft under va ry-
ing c onditio ns. Do not release the
throttle wh en trying to steer away
from objects. You need throttle to
steer. Do not use the watercraft's
reverse to stop.
Do not start or operate the water-
craft if any person is not properly
seated or if a person is nearby in the
The personal watercraf t's jet thrust
can cause injury. The jet pump may
pick up debris and throw it re arward
causing a risk of injuring people or
damaging the jet pump or other
Observe the in structions o n all
safety labels. They a re there to help
assure that you have a safe a nd en-
joyable outing.
Riding with passenger(s) or pulling
tubes, a skier or a w a k e boarder
makes the PW C handle differently
and requires greater skill.
Certain PWC s may come equipped
with tow eyele ts or a ski pole which
can be used to a ttach a tow rope for
a skier, tube or wak eboa rder. Do not
use these attachment points or any
other portion of the watercraft to
tow a parasail or another craft. P er-
sonal injury or severe damage may
Combustion engi nes ne ed air to
operate; cons equently this PW C
can not be totally watertight. Any
maneuvers such as figure eights
that cause the upper deck to be un-
der water may cause severe en-
gine pro blems due to water inges-
tion. Refer to t he
contained in this Operator's Guide.
Engine exhaust contains carbon
monoxide (CO), which can c a us e
injury or death if i nha led in sufficient
quantities. Do not operate the PWC
in a confined area or a ll ow CO to
accum ulate around the PWC, or in
enclosed or sheltered areas. Such
as whe n docked, or when rafting.
Be aware of risk of C O from exhaust
of other PWCs.
Before Getting Und e rway
For s afe ty reasons and proper
care , always perform p re-operation
checks” as spe cified in your Oper-
ator’s Guide before opera ting your