Chapter 4: Managing Contacts
Your Skype Contacts display all the names you can make calls to. If you are new
to Skype and have just created a new account, your Contacts will be empty. You
need to find the names of users and add them to your list.
Skype protects the privacy of users by requiring contact details that are added
to Contacts. When you want to add a contact to your list, a contact details
request is sent to the user. The user can accept or deny the request. When a
request is accepted, you can see when the contact is online and make calls to
them. You can also view their personal profile details.
Skype allows you to also block Contacts that you have previously shared details
with. When you block a contact, you will always appear offline to them and they
will not be able to call you.
Adding a Contact
To add a new contact name to your Contacts, you can either search for the name
or enter the name directly. Follow these steps:
1. Press the Left Soft Key to select the menu and use the Navigation key to
scroll down and select “Add Contact.”
2. From the Add Contact menu, select “Skype” to set up a Skype name.