
3.3.2 You will not remove, overtake, hide or otherwise make the UI inaccessible
for end users;
3.3.3 You will monitor the Skype Website in order to ensure that You are aware of
any changes in the applicable legal documents. In the event You cannot agree on
any changes in any applicable legal document, You will immediately cease any
and all use of the Skype API and, where applicable, any and all use of the Skype
Software; and
3.3.4 You acknowledge and agree that Your use of the Skype API will be at Your
own risk and account.
3.4 Any other Exceptions. If You are interested in doing anything else than
permitted under this Agreement or by the Distribution Terms or the Skype API
Terms of Use, You will have to obtain Skype’s previous written consent and
explicitly agree upon any further (commercial) terms.
3.5 Skype Promotional Materials. Nothing in this Agreement will give You any
right to use the Skype Promotional Materials.
Article 4 Utilization of Your computer
4.1 Utilization of Your computer. You hereby acknowledge that the Skype
Software may utilize the processor and bandwidth of the computer (or other
applicable device) You are utilizing, for the limited purpose of facilitating the
communication between Skype Software users.
4.2 Protection of Your computer (resources). You understand that the Skype
Software will use its commercially reasonable efforts to protect the privacy and
integrity of the computer resources (or other applicable device) You are utilizing
and of Your communication, however, You acknowledge and agree that Skype
cannot give any warranties in this respect.
Article 5 Confidentiality and Privacy
5.1 Skype’s Confidential Information. You agree to take all reasonable steps at all
times to protect and maintain any confidential information regarding Skype, its
Affiliates, the Skype Staff, the Skype Software and the IP Rights, strictly
5.2 Your Confidential Information and Your Privacy. Skype is committed to
respecting Your privacy and the confidentiality of Your personal data. The
“Privacy Policy” that is published on the Skype Website at www.skype.com/go/
privacy applies to the use of Your personal data, the traffic data as well as the
content contained in Your communication(s). We do not sell or rent Your personal
information to third parties for their marketing purposes without Your explicit
consent and we use Your information only as described in the Privacy Policy. We
store and process Your information on computers that may be located outside
Your country that are protected by physical as well as technological security