
Skype End User License Agreement
regarding such third party software or technology and you will look solely to the
applicable third party and not to Skype or its Affiliates to enforce any of your
2.5 New Versions of the Skype Software. Skype, in its sole discretion, reserves
the right to add additional features or functions, or to provide programming fixes,
updates and upgrades, to the Skype Software. You acknowledge and agree that
Skype has no obligation to make available to You any subsequent versions of the
Skype Software. You also agree that you may have to enter into a renewed
version of this Agreement, in the event you want to download, install or use a new
version of the Skype Software. Furthermore, You acknowledge and agree that
Skype, in its sole discretion, may modify or discontinue or suspend Your ability to
use any version of the Skype Software, and/or disable any Skype Software You
may already have accessed or installed without any notice to You, for the repair,
improvement, and/or upgrade of the underlying technology or for any other
justifiable reason, including but not limited to, cirucmstances where You, at
Skype’s discretion, are in breach of this Agrement, creating problems, possible
legal liabilities, acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of our policies, which
can be found at www.skype.com/company/legal/terms/etiquette.html, or
engaging in fraudulent, immoral or illegal activities, or for other similar reasons.
Skype will not accept any liability in relation to the direct or indirect damages
caused by (1) the release and/or the absence of release of new versions of the
Skype Software and (2) by the suspension or termination of the license or this
Agreement by Skype and/or by You.
2.6 Paid Services. This Agreement applies to downloading, installing and using
the Skype Software, free of charge. The use of any paid services which may be
offered by Skype or its Affiliates, is subject to the additional Terms of Service that
are published on the Skype Website.
Article 3 Definitions to License Restrictions and Additional Terms
3.1 Distribution of Skype Software. You are not allowed to distribute the Skype
Software under this Agreement. For the right to distribute You will have to agree
to and meet with the Distribution Terms as published on the Skype Website.
3.2 Distribution of Skype API. Under this Agreement You are not allowed to use
the Skype API in connection with applications that You (or any third party)
distribute or intend to distribute. If you wish to distribute Your application, which
uses Skype API, You will have to agree to and meet with the API Terms of Use as
published on the Skype Website.
3.3 Use of Skype API. You may make use of the Skype API, subject to license
terms in Clause 2.1 and for the sole purpose of enabling Your application to
connect with the Skype Software, provided that:
3.3.1 All such use of Skype API is carried out for legitimate purposes and shall in
no way and to no extent adversely affect the functionality or performance of the
Skype Software or services provided by Skype;