Managing Contacts
4. When the search completes or is stopped, the result list is displayed.
5. You can scroll down through the list to find specific names. Press the Left
Soft Key to access the options menu. The following options are available:
More Results — Displays the next 20 names in the list.
Search Again — Repeats the search.
Call — Calls the selected name.
Add to Contacts — Adds the selected name to your Contacts.
View Profile — Displays the selected name’s profile.
The Contacts Options Menu
For each contact name there are options available that apply to the specified
contact only.
To access the Contacts options menu, follow these steps:
1. Select a contact name in the list and then press the Left Soft Key.
2. The menu allows you to perform the following actions specific to the
• Call — Calls the contact.
• Send Voicemail — Sends a voicemail message to the contact.
• View Profile — Displays the contact’s profile details. The details that are
displayed are set by the contact.
• Advanced — Provides access to a menu of other actions.
3. Select Advanced from the options menu to access other actions.
• Rename — Changes the name of the contact as displayed in your