About the software on your Sony desktop
Using Video software
Capturing pictures
There are two capture modes in DVgate Still: the Continuous Capture mode and the Single Frame
Capture mode.
❑ Continuous Capture mode:
If you capture pictures during Play mode, you can capture 30 frames of still pictures in total with
respectively 15 frames in the forward and backward directions. All still pictures already captured, are
lost. If you capture during Pause mode, you can capture only one frame of a still picture.
✍ Immediately after you capture during Play mode in Continuous Capture mode, the DV device pauses.
Single Frame Capture mode:
You can capture one frame of a still picture. The captured result is the same even if you capture during
Play or Pause mode.
✍ Capturing 30 frames in Continuous Capture mode replaces all 30 frames. Capturing only one frame overwrites the first frame of the still picture,
capturing the next frame overwrites the second frame, and so on.
To toggle between Continuous Capture mode and Single Frame Capture mode, proceed as follows:
1 Click Settings in the DVgate Still window.
2 Choose Capture…
The Capture Settings window appears.
3 Select the Capture frames continuously option button to capture in Continuous Capture mode.
Deselect the Capture frames continuously option button to capture in Single Frame Capture mode.
To capture pictures, proceed as follows:
1 Connect the DV device to your computer.
2 Launch DVgate Still (Start/All Programs/DVgate/DVgate Still).
The DVgate Still window appears.