
About the software on your Sony desktop
Starting your VAIO for the first time
Starting your VAIO for the first time
Registering your VAIO
It only takes a few moments to register your Sony VAIO computer.
By registering your computer, you can take advantage of Sony’s commitment to quality customer support
and receive the following benefits:
Club VAIO – Online support, tutorials, tips and tricks, news, news forums, competitions, free downloads
and software updates.
VAIO-Link – If you are experiencing any problems with your computer, you can check the VAIO-Link
website for a possible solution: http://www.vaio-link.com.
Guarantee – Protect your investment. See the Guarantee sheet for the terms and conditions and refer
to your Customer Guide for more information.
To register your Sony VAIO computer, proceed as follows:
1 Connect your phone line and set up a modem connection (see Configuring your modem).
2 Click the VAIO Online Registration icon on the desktop.
3 Select your language and click Next.
4 Select the Register Now option button and click Next.
You get to the website https://registration.sonystyle-europe.com/vaio/registration.asp.
5 Fill in your first and last name, the serial number of your computer and the place where you live.
6 Click Submit.
Your VAIO is registered.