About the software on your Sony desktop
Using Imaging software
5 Click the Customize the design button to add pictures, frames, text, and effects.
The Panel Album dialog box appears.
6 Follow the wizard and click Finish.
PictureGear now creates your photo album.
When the process is done, the Completed dialog box appears.
❑ Click Save to select the location where you want to save your album.
❑ Click Check to display your photo album in a browser.
❑ Click Send to upload the album to the server.
❑ Click Back to create the album again.
7 Click Save.
The Select the folder to save album dialog box appears.
8 Select the folder to save the created album.
9 Click OK.
PictureGear asks if you are sure you want to create a folder.
10 Click Ye s.
You get the message that the album was saved successfully.
11 Click OK.
✍ Click the Make Soon button to create your album immediately, using the PictureGear default settings.