About the software on your Sony desktop
Using Video software
Editing AVI files
You can edit the AVI files in the Assemble List for the exact scenes you want to use. For example, there is no
need to recapture files even if you only want to use one particular scene from a longer video sequence
originally captured with DVgate Motion. Note that the process of removing the exact scene is only enabled
when one AVI file is selected from the Assemble List. However, this command is disabled when more than
one file are selected.
To edit the AVI files in the Assemble List for the exact scenes you want to use, proceed as follows:
1 Launch DVgate Assemble.
2 Select the AVI file you want to edit in the Assemble List.
3 Choose Edit a clip... from the Edit menu.
The DVgate Assemble - Clip dialog box appears.
4 Click the Preview button.
The video sequence of the selected file is played back.
You can move the playback position to the Begin point or the End point by clicking the Begin or End
point of the image.
Click the Begin button when you see the scene to be used as the Begin point.
The Begin point image and the time code appear in the lower part of the dialog box.
Click the End button when you see the scene to be used as the End point.
The End point image and the time code appear in the lower part of the dialog box.
5 Click OK.
The AVI file is edited.