140 Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers, Server Management Guide • May, 2004
Platform Set Console
Description: Enables the configuration of SP access to the platform serial console,
sets the speed of the connection and limits the size of the log files created.
Command format:
platform set console {--serial|-s} platform
This option configures the external serial port so that it is connected to the platform
serial console. This is the default setting.
platform set console {--serial|-s} sp
[{{--prune|-p}|{--noprune|-n}}] [{--speed|-S}
{1200|2400|4800|9600|19200|38400|115200}] [{--log|-l} size]
This option configures the external serial port so that it is connected to the SP serial
console. You can then access the platform serial console through the SP command
line by running the subcommand platform console.
TABLE F-10 lists the arguments for this subcommand.
Note – If -s is set to platform, none of the following arguments can be used.
TABLE F-10 Arguments for Subcommand platform set console
Arguments Description
{-S | --speed} {1200|
Select the port speed for the platform console. BIOS, the
platform OS and the console must all be configured for the
same speed.
{-d | --disable} Indicates that the platform console monitor is inactive.
Cannot be used with: -e.
{-e | --enable} Indicates that the platform console monitor is active. Cannot
be used with: -d.
{-l | --log} size Select the trigger size in KB for console log rotation.
The acceptable values for log size are between 64 and 1024