Chapter 1 Introduction 15
b. Install the openIPMI RPM file by running the command:
# rpm -ivh openipmi*.rpm
Note – The kernel driver will be compiled using the kernel-source code during
5. Install IPMItool.
IPMItool is the command-line-interface (CLI) server-management client.
■ If the installed Linux distribution uses the 32-bit “i386” architecture, run the
following command:
# rpm -ivh ipmitool*.i386.rpm
■ If the installed Linux distribution uses the 64-bit “x86_64” architecture, run the
following command:
# rpm -ivh ipmitool*.x86_64.rpm
6. Test the IPMI kernel device driver and client application by running the
following command:
# ipmitool -I open chassis status
Successful output should look similar to the following:
System Power: on
Power Overload: false
Power Interlock: inactive
Main Power Fault: false
Power Control Fault: false
Power Restore Policy: unknown
Last Power Event:
Chassis Intrusion: inactive
Front-Panel Lockout: inactive
Drive Fault: false
Cooling/Fan Fault: false
Note – On a subsequent reboot, the IPMI kernel driver may have to be loaded with
the following command:
# modprobe ipmi_kcs_drv
Note – If you upgrade your Linux kernel, refer to “Upgrading the Linux Kernel” on
page 19.