access commands
add public key 96
add trust 91
add user 100
delete public keys 98
delete trust 93
delete user 101
directory services subcommands 86
disable service 86
enable service 87
get group 80
get groups 81
get map 82
get public key users 97
get services 89
get trusts 94
get users 103
groups subcommands 80
map 83
map subcommands 82
public key subcommands 96
subcommand groups summary 79
trust subcommands 91
unmap 84
update password 104
update user 105
user subcommands 100
Agent X for SNMP 46
autoconfiguring the SP 24
base component of SP, updating 23
baseboard management controller, IPMI 28
BIOS POST codes table 187
BIOS settings for console redirection 67
BMC, see baseboard management controller
boot block codes for flash ROM 192
buttons, operator panel 7
command type overview table 75
return codes summary table 76
ssh, using protocol 74
community name for SNMP 46
configuring service processor 9
console redirection over serial
BIOS settings, configuring 67
getty, using 66
grub, using 64
LILO, using 65
overview 63
securetty, using 66
creating initial manager account 13
daisy-chain server configuration 20
diagram of server interconnections 20