Chapter 2 IPMI Server Management 29
IPMI Compliance and LAN Channel Access
The server supports IPMI through the SP software version 2.0 and later. These
servers meet compliance standards for IPMI version 1.5.
The IPMI implementation on these servers also support LAN channel access. (Refer
to the IPMI specification version 1.5 for details.) The LAN channel access is disabled
by default. To enable it, use the ipmi enable channel command and specify the
ID of the channel to enable for the LAN Interface, as follows.
Note – This ID is case-sensitive and must be lowercase.
# ssh spipaddr -l spuser ipmi enable channel {sms | lan}
For more information about enabling or disabling the IPMI channel, refer to
Appendix B.
Usernames and Passwords
Operator and administrator-level access over the LAN channel requires a valid
user ID and password. These servers come preconfigured with an administrator-
level user with a null user ID. However, you can re-add the anonymous user at a
later time if you wish. You can configure both the user ID and password to be null.
Note – For security reasons, the LAN channel access is disabled by default.
Note – IPMI user identities are in no way associated with user accounts defined for
server-management capabilities. Refer to “Initial Setup of the Service Processor” on
page 9 for more information about these server-management user accounts.