097-58001-02 Revision G – April 2008 TimeProvider User’s Guide 133
Chapter 4 Provisioning the TimeProvider
Provisioning Alarms
This command has a default access level of USER.
Normal Response Format
where * indicates zero or more of the preceding element
Sample Command
This command causes the TimeProvider to return all current alarms.
<aid> Description
ALL (or null)
IOCm (m = 1 | 2)
INPp (p = 1 | 2)
OUTg (g = A | B | C | D)
Access identifiers
Value Description
<aid> Access identifier
aidtype Access identifier type
EQPT – alarm associated with operation of the system
T1 – alarm associated with inputs or outputs
ntfcncde Notification code:
MN – Minor alarm
MJ – Major alarm
CR – Critical alarm
condtype Condition type – keyword associated with the command
srveff Service affecting indicator
ocrdat Occurrence date of the alarm
ocrtim Occurrence time of the alarm
condscr Optional condition description – text string enclosed in quotation