
097-58001-02 Revision G – April 2008 TimeProvider User’s Guide 141
Chapter 4 Provisioning the TimeProvider
Saving Provisioning Data
Saving Provisioning Data
Symmetricom recommends that you keep an electronic version and/or a written
version of the provisioning changes you make to the TimeProvider.
Electronically Backing up Provisioning Data
Copy the contents of the IOC into the IMC memory by issuing the CPY-MEM
command as follows. See the TimeProvider TL1 Reference Guide for more
information on the CPY-MEM command.
Copy the contents of the IMC into the IOC memory by issuing the CPY-MEM
command as follows:
This command may take more than two seconds to execute; if it does, then the
In-Process response is issued. This command also logs off all users connected to
the TimeProvider.
If two IOCs are in the shelf, the Active IOC automatically saves its data in the
Standby IOC.
Provisioning Worksheet
Use Table 4-4 to record the values you provisioned into the TimeProvider.
Table 4-4. Provisioning Record
Section Parameter User-Defined Value
Setting the Source ID <sid>, on page 90 Source ID (<sid>)
Setting RS-232 Parameters, on page 91 Baud rate
Handshaking mode
Echo mode
Setting Ethernet Parameters, on page 93 IP Gate address
IP address
Subnet mask
Setting the System Mode, on page 105 System mode
Setting the IOC Parameters, on page 107 Oscillator type, IOC1
Oscillator type, IOC2