097-58001-02 Revision G – April 2008 TimeProvider User’s Guide 79
Chapter 3 Installing the TimeProvider
Making Connections
Making Communications Connections
The TimeProvider has one Ethernet and two serial ports available. The Ethernet
connector is on the front panel of the Front Access shelf and on the rear panel of the
Rear Access shelf; the local Craft serial port is on the faceplate of the IMC or
IMC/TPIU, and the Remote port is on the shelf.
The local Craft serial port is used for control and monitoring of the unit, and is
configured as a DCE device. The Remote port can be used for remote dial-in
connection to the unit, and is configured as a DTE device.
Connecting to the Local Craft and Remote Serial Ports
To connect a device to the local Craft or the Remote serial port, perform the
following steps:
1. Connect a 9-pin serial cable to the desired port.
2. Connect the other end of the cable to the serial port of the PC or terminal device.
Use the procedure described in Starting the TimeProvider for the First Time, on
page 88, to connect to the TimeProvider.
The default settings for the local Craft serial port are DCE, 9600 Baud, 8 bits, no
parity, 1 stop bit, echo on, and handshaking disabled. Table 3-7 lists the signal
connections for the serial ports.
The default settings for the Remote serial port are DTE, 9600 Baud, 8 bits, 1 stop
bit, no parity (also known as 8-1-N), echo on, and handshaking disabled. The local
port settings revert to factory default values when you reset the IMC.
Table 3-7. Connector Pinouts for the Serial Ports
Local Craft Connector Remote Connector
Signal Pin Signal Pin
Local CD 1 CD 1
Local RD (Received Data) 2 RD 3
Local TD (Transmitted Data) 3 TD 2
Local DTR (Data Terminal Ready) 4 DTR 6
Ground 5 GND 5
Local DSR (Data Set Ready) 6 DCE 4
Local RTS (Request to Send) 7 RTS 8
Local CTS (Clear to Send) 8 CTS 7
Local RI (Ring Indicator) 9 RI 9