097-58001-02 Revision G – April 2008 TimeProvider User’s Guide 175
Chapter 6 Maintaining and Troubleshooting the TimeProvider
Troubleshooting the TimeProvider
BesTime backup reference disqualified
BesTime backup sources qualified
CLKBRDG Clock entered Bridging mode Clock exited Bridging mode
CLKFREE Clock entered Free-run mode Clock exited Free-run mode
CLKHOLD Clock entered Holdover mode Clock exited Holdover mode
CLKWARM Clock entered Warm-up mode Clock exited Warm-up mode
SYNTHEOR Output generator exceeded pull-in
Output generator within pull-in range
GPS Codes
ANTCOMM GPS antenna communication fault GPS antenna comm fault cleared
GPSPOS GPS antenna position unknown GPS antenna position known
GPSPWR GPS power fault GPS power fault cleared
GPSSYS GPS system fault GPS system OK
GPSTRK GPS is not tracking satellites GPS is tracking satellites
INPDISQ GPS input is disqualified GPS input is enabled
INPLOS LOS fault LOS fault cleared
INPFRQ Frequency threshold exceeded Frequency within threshold
INPPHASE Phase error exceeded threshold Phase error within threshold
EXDSC Excessive discontinuity fault Excessive discontinuity cleared
FFOFF FFOFF exceeded threshold FFOFF within threshold
MTIE MTIE exceeded threshold MTIE within threshold
TPIUSIG TPIU signal fault TPIU signal fault cleared
PRS and INP[p] Codes
Input disqualified as possible reference
Input qualified as possible reference
INPAIS AIS fault AIS fault cleared
INPLOS LOS fault LOS fault cleared
INPOOF OOF fault OOF fault cleared
INPFRQ Frequency threshold exceeded Frequency within threshold
INPPHASE Phase error exceeded threshold Phase error within threshold
INPQL Quality Level (SSM) exceeded
Quality Level (SSM) within threshold
Table 6-6. Set and Clear Conditions for Alarms (Continued)
Alarm ID Set Alarm Conditional Description Clear Alarm Conditional Description