
114 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
all available groups. In Windows 2000, go to My Network Places > Entire Network > Directory,
the domain, and Users.
Add/Modify Group
s User Assignments
Users can be assigned to specific User Groups, and they will inherit the privileges of that
group. If no Users appear, then none have been defined. However, if LDAP is being used for
Authentication, no users need to be defined. When a user Authenticates to the system, the
Authentication process will return the User's group information. The user will receive the
privileges that are provided to that group.
Add/Modify Group
s Resource Assignments
Resource groups can be assigned to User Groups, and the User Group will inherit the
privileges of that Resource Group. If no Resource Groups appear, then none of been
defined. Click
Resource Groups in the main navigation to the left to create Resource Groups.
Resource Groups
In the ETV Portal Server software, providing a user with Resources refers to providing them
access to a particular functionality of the EtherneTV system. These include the ability to
view Live Channels, to view VOD content, to publish content to the VOD, and to record
content. A unique feature of the ETV Portal Server software is the ability to group Resources
into Resource Groups. This allows the administrator to quickly and easily assign several
resources at once to more than one User or User Groups. This also makes the ongoing
management of this content for these Users or User Groups much easier.
Note Windows XP needs to be configured to
Show Common Tasks in Folders. To configure
this, in
My Network Places, go to Tools > Folder Options. In the General > Tasks
section, select the radio button called
Show common tasks in folders.
Note The remaining options for User Groups (beginning with Add/Modify Live Channel
) are the same as those described earlier for individual Configuring Users on
page 107. The only difference is that the descriptions will apply to groups of users
rather than to individual users.