
Global Settings
ETV Portal Server Admin Guide 23
Define FTP User Name ETV Portal Server is defaulted for "anonymous" FTP access
which is configured in Windows IIS Default FTP Site. If a
more secure FTP access is desired, the User Name can be
changed in IIS (see the Windows Server documentation for
details). The same User Name should be entered here. Use
any combination of alphanumeric and special characters
except slashes, quotes, or commas. If configuring for
VBPresenter, see Configuring an MCS FTP User Account
page 134.
Define FTP User Password ETV Portal Server is defaulted for "anonymous" FTP access
which is configured in Windows IIS Default FTP Site. If a
more secure FTP access is desired, the Password can be
changed in IIS (see the Windows Server documentation for
details). The same Password should be entered here. Use any
combination of alphanumeric and special characters except
slashes, quotes, or commas. If configuring for VBPresenter,
see Configuring an MCS FTP User Account
on page 134.
Define a Record Duration Applies to the on-demand Record pushbutton only (not to
scheduled recording). Defines the maximum duration (default
120 minutes) allowed for a continuous recording. Maximum
record duration limited only by size of hard drive.
Change Title Changes the text (i.e. VBrick Systems) that is displayed on the
upper left hand corner of the Portal Server User Interface. To
leave blank, enter at least one space. Note that the title text is
white and cannot be changed.
Change Announcement
Changing these from the defaults is highly discouraged and should
only be done if advised by a VBrick technician or Network
Administrator. Changes the Management, Multicast, and
RTSP addresses on which Announcements (SAPs) are
received. By default all VBrick devices are set to the same
addresses and ports as the defaults in ETV Portal Server.
These have to match on all devices for proper functionality.
Change Announcement
Filters SAP announcements so that only the specified IP
addresses are shown on the Live Broadcasts page in ETV
Portal Server. Wildcards are allowed. For example 255.*.*.*
displays only those addresses in the range –
Item Description