34 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Adding Publishing Points to a VOD-WM Server
In a typical scenario, first you configure the publishing point on the Windows Media server,
then you configure the publishing point on the Portal Server with matching values. Additional
publishing points are required to make content available when you add disk space to a
Windows Media server. As shown on the previous window, a Windows Media Server
supports multiple publishing points. In this context, publishing points are used to discover your
content via FTP. Use the following steps, in the order shown, to create a new publishing
point. Note that as explained below, you must create a virtual FTP directory in IIS for each
publishing point on the WM Server.
Domain or
Machine Name
When the ETV Portal Server and the VOD-WM server reside in the same
domain, this is the name of that domain. When workgroups are being
used, this is the machine name of the VOD-WM server. Note: the machine
name is not the IP address of the server.
User Name The name of a valid user that has administration privileges on the
VOD-WM server or the network domain. If the VOD-WM Server is
within a domain, the name entered here will be a domain user. That
domain user must have administration privileges on the VOD-WM Server.
If the VOD-WM Server is part of a workgroup, the name entered here will
be a local user with administration privileges on the VOD-WM Server. A
local user with administrator privileges having the same name must also
exist on the MCS Portal Server.
Note: The MCS Portal Server and VOD-WM Server(s) must all be within a
domain or part of a workgroup. Any topology that mixes servers in
domains and servers in workgroups will not work or will be extremely
User Password The valid password of the user specified above.
WM Publishing
Name The publishing point on the VOD-WM (default = VBP)
server where content will be accessed and managed by the
ETV Portal Server. Note: this setting must correspond to an
existing, valid publishing point on the server.
Source Local path to the publishing point. Default =
. Do not change for first publishing point.
Path to user-created FTP directory. See Creating a VOD-WM
FTP Server.
Low Space
Optional. Default = 20 MB. If the available disk space on this
publishing point is less than the specified value, the
publishing point with the largest amount of free space will be
Free Space Optional. This option automatically calculates the free space
(in GB) available on disk when you add a new publishing
point or refresh the publishing point list. This feature can
consume server resources and is disabled by default. To
enable (or disable) this option (on VOD-WM servers or File
Servers), go to
<install_dir>\program files\VBrick\MCS\utils,
EnableQueryDiskSpace.reg or DisableQueryDiskSpace.reg
respectively, and reboot the server when done.