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ETV Portal Server Admin Guide 53
Updating the VBIR Command Set
EtherneTV Portal Server Control Devices use SpitFire model VBIRs to manipulate DVDs,
VCRs or other devices controlled by IR commands. The VBIR contains an internal library of
several hundred IR command sets stored in flash memory. The internal library is accessed by
a three digit code. The VBIR internal library supports a wide range of devices from many,
but not all, device manufacturers. If the IR command set for a particular device is not stored
in the internal library there are two ways (as explained below) that the VBIR can be enhanced
to control the device.
Learning IR Commands
The VBIR (Spitfire Model III only) can be set to learn and store IR commands like a
universal remote controller. Learned commands are stored in VBIR memory areas called
slots and are accessed by reserved three-digit codes. The six slots are available are: AUX
(994), TV (995), VCR (996), DVD (997), AUD (998), and CBL/SAT (999). Once learned IR
commands are stored on a VBIR they can be written as an external library file on a PC. The
IR commands in an external library file can be learned by other VBIRs through the process
of cloning. For more information, see the application note Learning IR Commands on the
VBIR on the www.vbrick.com/documentation page.
Downloading External Libraries
The VBIR can be upgraded by downloading an external library file. External library files
contain IR command sets for a specific device or devices. External library files are supplied
by a third party or created using the SpitFire VBIR learning mode. For more information, see
the application note Downloading External Libraries to the VBIR
on the www.vbrick.com/
documentation page.
IP Receivers
IP Receivers (formerly called STBs or Set Top Boxes) must be configured in ETV Portal
Server before they can be managed and used for scheduled events. (IP Receiver version must
also be 3.7.1 or higher.) Once configured, all IP Receivers in the system are shown on the