page 34 MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
1. ANT Coaxial Jacks
Connect your main antenna(s) here, using a type-
M (PL-259) plug and coaxial feedline. These antenna
ports are always used for transmission, and also are
used for reception unless a separate receive antenna
is also used for the main receiver. The internal antenna
tuner affects only the antenna(s) connected here, and
only during transmission.
2. REMOTE Jack
By plugging in a remote control keypad here, direct
access to the MARK-V FT-1000MP CPU is provided
for control functions such as contest memory keying,
frequency, and function control. This jack may also be
also used for remote control of the VL-1000 Linear Am-
plifier, if used.
Insert a small insulated screwdriver here and turn
the trimmer inside to adjust the volume of the sidetone
heard during CW keying (and when the
is pressed).
4. KEY 3-Contact Phone Jack
This ¼-inch phone jack accepts a CW key or keyer
paddle. It is connected in parallel with the jack with the
same name on the front panel (either or both may be
used). A 2-contact plug cannot be used in this jack.
Key-up voltage is +5 V, and key-down current is 0.5
mA. Plug wiring is shown on page 4.
5. BACKUP Slide Switch
Keep this switch in the “ON” position to retain all
memory and VFO settings during power-off periods.
There is no need to turn this switch off unless you plan
to store the transceiver for a long period without use.
Serial DB-9 Jack
This 9-pin serial DB-9 jack allows external computer
control of the MARK-V FT-1000MP. Connect a serial
cable here and to the RS-232C COM port on your per-
sonal computer (no external interface is required).
CAT command protocol and data formats are de-
scribed in the CAT chapter, starting on page 86.
7. DVS-2 DIN Jack
This 7-pin input/output jack is for connection of the
DVS-2 Digital Voice Recording option, described on
page 81.
This 5-pin input/output jack provides receiver au-
dio and squelch signals, and accepts transmit (AFSK)
audio and PTT control, from an external Packet TNC.
Pinout is shown on pages 4 and 16. The receiver au-
dio level at this jack is approximately 100 mV (@600
Ohms), preset by VR3010 on the AF Unit (see page
15 for access to this trimmer, if necessary).
9. RTTY DIN Jack
This 4-pin input/output jack provides connections
for an RTTY terminal unit. Pinout is shown on pages 4
and 17. The receiver audio level at this jack is at a
constant 100-mV (@600 Ohms) level. FSK keying at
this jack is accomplished by a closure of the SHIFT
line to ground by the terminal unit.