page 2 MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
Yaesu’s Enhanced Digital Signal Processing
(EDSP) circuitry, pioneered in the FT-1000MP, provides
a wide array of interference-rejection and signal-
customization features. On receive, three different sig-
nal “Contour” enhancements, in addition to narrow-
bandwidth peaking filters for CW and Data modes, help
dig out weak signals from the noise. Combined with
the EDSP Auto-Notch and Noise Reduction circuits,
the IF analog filters and EDSP response Contours are
without peer in the Amateur Radio industry for signal
enhancement. On transmit, the EDSP Microphone
Equalizer allows matching of the transmitter’s audio
response to your voice’s pattern, thereby maximizing
useful power output in the SSB envelope.
Advanced features include Dual Receive, Direct
Keyboard Frequency Entry and Band Change, RF
Speech Processor, RF Monitor for Voice modes, CW
Pitch control, CW Spot switch, Full CW QSK, adjust-
able IF Noise Blanker, Synchronous Tuning for AM,
and all-mode Squelch. And the Yaesu-exclusive
Shuttle-Jog tuning ring provides a spring-loaded
manual scanning tool, perfect for sweeping across a
band as you take a quick look for activity.
Frequency setup is extraordinarily simple on the
MARK-V FT-1000MP. Besides direct frequency entry
for both the Main and Sub VFOs, separate keys are
provided for band selection, and each band key ac-
cesses two independent VFO frequency/mode/filter
settings per band, so you can establish separate VFO
settings for two different parts of each band. The Sub
VFO has its own banks of VFOs for each band, and
you may copy frequencies from the Main to the Sub
VFO, or swap frequencies between the two, with a
single button push. The two VFOs allow simultaneous
reception and display of two different frequencies, even
in different modes and with different IF bandwidths.
Receiver audio can be completely or partially mixed,
or monitored separately in each ear.
In addition, 99 scannable memories are provided,
each of which stores its own mode and IF filter selec-
tion, in addition to frequency, Clarifier offset, and scan-
skip status. What’s more, five quick-recall (“QMB”)
memories can instantly store operational settings at
the push of a button.
The built-in automatic antenna tuner includes 39
memories of its own, automatically storing antenna
matching settings for quick automatic recall later.
A unique feature of the MARK-V FT-1000MP is the
rear panel’s “REMOTE” jack, a multi-featured port
which allows a number of possible control functions.
When connected to the optional FH-1 Keypad (or a
home-made keypad), the REMOTE jack may be used
as a control pad for the contest message keyer, or for
memory/VFO control of the Main or Sub receiver.
Interfacing for digital modes is extremely simple with
the MARK-V FT-1000MP, thanks to dedicated AFSK
and FSK connection jacks on the rear panel. Optimi-
zation of the filter passbands, EDSP settings, carrier
insertion point, and display offset are all possible via
the Menu programming system.
The Yaesu CAT system provides a direct link to
the transceiver CPU for computer control and
customization of tuning, scanning and other operating
functions. The MARK-V FT-1000MP includes a built-
in data level converter for direction connection to a
personal computer serial port. Yaesu products are sup-
ported by most all of the leading contest and DX log-
ging programs, and the programming protocol is in-
cluded in this manual, if you wish to write your own
Special options for the MARK-V FT-1000MP include
the TCXO-6 Temperature Compensated Crystal Os-
cillator module, and a wide selection of IF filters to
complement the four already installed as standard.
External options include the DVS-2 Digital Voice Re-
corder; SP-8 External Loudspeaker with optional LL-7
Phone Patch module; YH-77STA Stereo Headset; FH-
1 Remote Control Keypad; and the MD-100A8X Desk-
top Microphone. Rounding out your Yaesu station, the
VL-1000 1 KW Linear Amplifier is specifically designed
to match your MARK-V FT-1000MP, providing the con-
venience of fully automatic band change along with
1000 Watts of clean power output.
For safe transportation of the MARK-V FT-1000MP,
a supplied separate power, the FP-29, provides the 30
Volt and 13.8 Volt power required for 200-Watt opera-
tion. The reduced weight inside the transceiver case
provides a greater safety margin during the shipment
your MARK-V FT-1000MP via a parcel service, or when
checking it as baggage for a DX-pedition.
Advanced technology is only part of the MARK-V
FT-1000MP story. Yaesu stands behind our products
with a worldwide network of dealers and service cen-
ters. We greatly appreciate your investment in the
MARK-V FT-1000MP, and we look forward to helping
you get the most out of your new transceiver. Please
feel free to contact your nearest dealer, or one of
Yaesu’s national headquarters offices, for technical
advice, interfacing assistance, or accessory recom-
mendation. And watch Yaesu U.S.A.’s Home Page for
late-breaking information about Yaesu products: http:/
Please read this manual thoroughly, so as to gain
maximum understanding of the full capability of the
MARK-V FT-1000MP, simply the finest Amateur Ra-
dio transceiver available today!