1 To start the Converter Standalone installer, do one of the following:
Go to the folder that contains the installer file and double-click the VMware-converter-4.x.x-
<xxxxx>.exe file, where <xxxxx> is the number of the build. Check the number of the build to see if it
matches the build you installed.
Select Add or Remove Programs from the Control Panel, select Converter Standalone from the list,
and click Change.
2 Click Next.
3 On the Program Maintenance page, select one of the options and click Next.
The Custom Setup page or the Ready to Repair page appears.
4 Click Install.
When Converter Standalone is removed or repaired, you might have to restart your system before you
can use Converter Standalone. If so, a prompt appears.
5 Click Finish.
The Converter Standalone Installer closes.
What to do next
Now you can use Converter Standalone to convert physical or virtual machine sources to virtual machine or
virtual appliance destinations.
Perform a Command-Line Installation in Windows
You can install Converter Standalone from the MS-DOS Command prompt or by writing a Windows batch
file (.bat) to automate the installation process.
You must have Administrator privileges.
At the command line, install Converter Standalone silently with the log file written to the temp directory.
VMware-converter-<build>.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=ALL /l*v %TEMP%\vmconvservermsi.log"
For more command-line options, see “Command-Line Options for Windows Installation,” on page 31.
What to do next
Now you can use Converter Standalone to convert physical or virtual machine sources to virtual machine or
virtual appliance destinations.
Command-Line Options for Windows Installation
You can use the command-line installation options to install Converter Standalone from the MS-DOS
Command prompt in Windows or by writing a Windows batch file (.bat).
For a list of options to perform command-line installation, see Table 3-1.
Table 3-1. Command-Line Options
Option Action
Does not display the Windows Installer version check.
Passes parameters to the msiexec.exe file.
Chapter 3 Installing and Uninstalling VMware vCenter Converter Standalone
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