To convert virtual machines to vCenter Server destinations with Converter Standalone, you must have the
following vCenter Server permissions set at the datacenter level:
Datastore.Browse Datastore
Datastore.AllocateSpace, full permissions.
Virtual Machine.Inventory
Virtual Machine.Configuration, full permissions.
Virtual Machine.Interaction.Power On. Needed only if you power on the target virtual machine after
Virtual Machine.Provisioning.Allow Disk Access
Resource.Assign Virtual Machine To Resource Pool
1 On the Destination Type page, select VMware Infrastructure virtual machine from the drop-down menu.
2 Enter the required information.
a From the drop-down menu, select the destination server or enter its IP address or host name if it is
not listed.
b Type your credentials for the destination server.
3 Click Next.
4 On the Host & Cluster page, specify the resources for the converted virtual machine.
a Assign a name to the virtual machine you are creating.
The vCenter Server Inventory pane might contain multiple hosts, clusters, and datacenters.
b Select the host or resource pool within a host from which to run the virtual machine.
c Select a datastore from the drop-down menu.
The datastore capacity appears under the drop-down menu. VMware recommends that you choose
a datastore that can accommodate all files of the source virtual machine. You can check the source
size above the selected datastore.
d For vSphere 4.0 destinations, select the virtual machine version from the drop-down menu.
Option Description
Version 4 Select when sharing storage or virtual machines with
ESX Server versions 3.x.
Version 7 Select for the latest virtual machine features. This
hardware version is not supported for ESX 3.x
NOTE Settings on the View/Edit Options page might vary, depending on the virtual hardware version
you select.
e Click Next.
You selected to create a virtual machine to run on an ESX host that vCenter Server or a standalone ESX host
Chapter 4 Converting Machines
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