Table 3-1. Command-Line Options (Continued)
Option Action
Runs the msi command in silent mode.
Runs the msi command in basic mode.
Runs the msi command in full mode.
/l*v <Logfile>
Record login information in the file provided in <Logfile>.
Uninstall VMware vCenter Converter Standalone.
Installs full package. Parameter is case-sensitive.
PROPERTY=<property value>
Sets the value of a property to <property value>.
Sets the HTTP port. The default is 80. Remote machines
connect to the server through this port to download the
Converter Standalone client.
Set the HTTPS port. The default is 443. Remote Converter
Standalone clients connect to this port on the server and
submit conversion tasks.
Sets an Agent port. The default is 9089. Remote Converter
Standalone agents connect to this port to convert this
Perform a Local Installation in Linux
You can install the Converter Standalone client, the Converter Standalone server, and the Converter Standalone
agent on a Linux distribution for local use. You cannot manage the installed Converter Standalone server with
a remote Converter Standalone client.
The Converter Standalone Linux Installer requires root privileges to install all Converter Standalone
You run the Linux installation of Converter Standalone in command-line mode.
Make sure your Linux distribution is supported and that system requirements are met.
1 Download the latest Linux version of Converter Standalone from the VMware Web site.
The filename is similar to VMware-converter-4.x.x-<xxxxxx>.tar.gz, where <xxxxxx> is the number of
the build.
2 Go to the directory to which you downloaded the installer archive.
cd <path_to_download_directory>
3 Extract the archive in the current directory.
tar zxvf VMware-converter-4.x.x-<xxxxxxx>.tar.gz
4 Navigate to the extracted directory and run the installation executable file.
cd vmware-converter-distrib
sudo ./vmware-install.pl -d
5 Press Enter to view the End User License Agreement.
To accept the license agreement, scroll down the document, type yes and press Enter again.
User's Guide
32 VMware, Inc.