BIOS (basic input/output system)
Firmware that controls machine startup and manages communication between the CPU and other devices,
such as the keyboard, monitor, printers, and disk drives.
bridged networking
In hosted products, a type of network connection between a virtual machine and the host’s physical
network. With bridged networking, a virtual machine appears to be an additional computer on the same
physical Ethernet network as the host. See also custom networking, host-only networking, NAT (network
address translation).
A managed entity grouped by a folder object or another managed entity. See also folder.
(n.) A duplicate of a virtual machine. (v.) To make a copy of a virtual machine. Hosted products distinguish
between full clones and linked clones. See also full clone, linked clone.
A server group in the virtual environment. Clusters enable a high-availability solution.
cluster compute resource
An extended compute resource that represents a cluster of hosts available for backing virtual machines.
See also compute resource.
cold cloning
In VMware vCenter Converter Standalone, cloning a local physical machine while it is running in WinPE
from the vCenter Converter Boot CD, not from its own operating system. See also hot cloning.
compute resource
A managed object that represents either a single host or a cluster of hosts available for backing virtual
machines. See also cluster compute resource.
concurrent migrations
In VMware vCenter Converter Standalone, the Task Manager’s ability to direct the conversion and
migration of multiple virtual machines at the same time.
See virtual machine configuration.
current virtual machine
(1) A virtual machine of the latest version supported by the product in use. See also legacy virtual
machine. (2) In hosted products, the virtual machine that has focus in the service console.
VMware, Inc.