MU128 Multi Mode
Path: [EDIT] button → “OTHERS”
Others __________________________________________________
Receive Channel.................................................... 119
Receive Channel
Detune .................................................................. 120
Assignment Parameters .......................................... 120
Part Mode
Mono/Poly Mode
Portamento Parameters .......................................... 121
Portamento Switch
Portamento Time
Note Limit Parameters............................................ 122
Note Limit Low
Note Limit High
Dry Level ............................................................... 122
Dry Level (VarConnect=SYS)
Velocity Sensitivity Parameters ............................... 122
Velocity Sensitivity Depth
Velocity Sensitivity Offset
Velocity Limit Parameters....................................... 123
Velocity Limit Low
Velocity Limit High
Pitch Bend, Modulation Wheel,
Assignable Controller ............................................ 123
Pitch Bend Control
MW LFO Pitch Modulation Depth
AC1 Control Change Number
AC1 Filter Control
AC1 Amplitude Control
The Others section of parameters contains miscellaneous controls, in-
cluding those related to tuning, Part Mode, velocity, portamento, note
range, etc.
Multi Edit Mode