MU128 Guided Tour
A/D Inputs
A/D Inputs
The MU128 features a special A/D (Analog-to-Digital) input function that
allows you to connect up to two different external signals (microphone, elec-
tric guitar, CD player, etc.), and mix those signals with the MU128’s Voices.
A/D input is perfect for singing along with your keyboard performance, since
it allows you to blend the two signals without the need for an external mixer.
Or you can use it to sing or play guitar over backing tracks played from a
MIDI sequencer.
There are two A/D Parts (A/D1 and A/D2) and they can be manipulated
in much the same way as the other parts — for example, they can have
independent Volume, Pan, and effect send settings. What’s more, you can
control certain parameters automatically via a connected MIDI sequencer.
The two A/D Parts include several specially programmed presets, com-
plete with proper gain settings and suitable effects — using the built-in ef-
fects of the MU128.
In this section, you’ll learn how to:
ᮣ Set up the MU128 for using the A/D inputs.
ᮣ Call up the A/D input presets.
Using the A/D Inputs
1 Turn down the A/D INPUT VOLUME control on the front panel.
Before connecting an external input, always turn the VOLUME control down.
2 Connect the microphone or instrument to one of the A/D INPUT
For this example, connect to the A/D INPUT 1 jack. (Depending
on the equipment being used, appropriate conversion adaptors
may be necessary; the A/D INPUT jacks accept 1/4” phone plugs.)