
MU 128 Guided Tour
Assignable Controller (AC1)
The Assignable Controller (AC1) is one of the more powerful features of the
MU128 — it gives you extraordinarily flexible and expressive real-time con-
trol over the Voices.
In this section, you’ll:
Learn about MIDI controllers and control numbers, and how they can
affect the Voices.
Set up your system for using the Assignable Controller.
Try out some specific controller application examples, such as:
* Varying degrees of brightness on a Part
* Filter sweep and “wah” effects
* “Expression pedal” control of volume
* Variable filter control of specific drum sounds
A good way to introduce yourself to some of the Assignable Controller applications is to
explore the Performances — many of them feature Assignable Controller settings that let
you change some aspect of the sound (usually with the modulation wheel on the con-
nected keyboard). (Refer to the “Sound List & MIDI Data” booklet, and select/play Per-
formances that mention “MW” in the “Comments” section of the lists.)
Controllers and Control Numbers
In the MIDI world, “controllers” are used to change some aspect of the sound.
In this section, we’ll work with “continuous” controllers — so named be-
cause they let you add musical, expressive effects that change smoothly over
time (such as crescendos and decrescendos).
The illustration below shows some continuous controllers you’re likely
to see on a MIDI keyboard.
Your own MIDI instrument may not have all the controllers shown in the illustration.
Assignable Controller (AC1)
Modulation wheel
Volume pedal
Foot controller
Breath controller
Data entry slider
MIDI Keyboard