MU128 Multi Mode
MIDI instruments allow you to change the con-
trol change number for a particular controller:
for example, setting the modulation wheel (nor-
mally 01) to control Volume (07). Refer to the
owner’s manual of your particular instrument for
more information.
Assignable Controller 1 Filter Control
(AC1 FilCtrl)
Range: –64 — +63
This determines the degree to which Assign-
able Controller 1 (AC1) affects the Cutoff
Frequency of the Low Pass Filter for each
Part. For maximum effect, this should be
set to one of the extreme values, negative
or positive. A setting of 00 results in no con-
trol over the Filter, even when AC1 is oper-
ated (or control change data is received).
Negative settings affect the Filter nega-
tively; in other words, when the controller
is at the minimum position, control over the
Filter is greatest (see illustration below).
(The control number used for AC1 is set in
the Assignable Controller 1 Control Change
Number parameter above.)
For positive values: For negative values:
Positive and negative values can be most ef-
fectively used by setting two different Parts to
opposite settings. In this way, moving the con-
troller (for example, a foot controller) one way
will affect one Part and moving it the opposite
way will affect the other Part.
Modulation Wheel — LFO Pitch
Modulation Depth (MW LFOPMod)
Range: 000 — 127
This determines how widely the pitch is
modulated by the LFO (low frequency os-
cillator). This is generally controlled from
a modulation wheel on a MIDI keyboard
and produces a vibrato effect. The higher
the value, the deeper the pitch modula-
tion, and hence, the more pronounced the
vibrato effect.
Assignable Controller 1 Control
Change Number (AC1 CC No.)
Range: 00 — 95
This determines which MIDI control
change number is assigned to the Assign-
able Controller (AC1) for the selected
Part. AC1 can be used to affect the Filter
(below), volume (Amplitude; page 125),
LFO (above) or the Variation effect (page
149). Make sure that parameters you don’t
want to be affected by AC1 are properly
set to 0.
Though this parameter allows you to assign
any control change number from 0 to 95, only
a few of these are in common use. The con-
trollers most likely to be encountered include:
01 — Modulation wheel or lever
02 — Breath controller
04 — Foot controller
07 — Volume controller
Some or all of these may be available on your
MIDI instrument, and can be used to control cer-
tain functions on the MU128 in real time. Some
Multi Edit Mode