ES-3148 User’s Guide
Chapter 8 VLAN 93
8.5.4 Configure VLAN Port Settings
Use the VLAN Port Setting screen to configure the static VLAN (IEEE 802.1Q) settings on a
port. See Section 8.5 on page 90 for more information on static VLAN. Click the VLAN Port
Setting link in the VLAN Status screen.
Figure 37 VLAN: VLAN Port Setting
Add Click Add to save your changes to the switch’s run-time memory. The switch loses
these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the Save link on the top
navigation panel to save your changes to the non-volatile memory when you are
done configuring.
Cancel Click Cancel to reset the fields.
Clear Click Clear to start configuring the screen again.
VID This field displays the ID number of the VLAN group. Click the number to edit the
VLAN settings.
Active This field indicates whether the VLAN settings are enabled (Yes) or disabled (No).
Name This field displays the descriptive name for this VLAN group.
Delete Click Delete to remove the selected entry from the summary table.
Cancel Click Cancel to clear the Delete check boxes.
Table 17 VLAN: Static VLAN (continued)