
Chapter 6 System Setting
NSA320 User’s Guide
power surges occur.
The NSA gives no warning if time lag occurs. You should resynchronize the time
after a power surge or after you have shut down the NSA several times.
6.4 The Server Name Screen
Click System Setting > Server Name to open the following screen. Use this
screen to configure your CIFS settings. In this screen you can set your server
name and specify if your NSA is a part of a workgroup.
Note: CIFS cannot be disabled on the NSA.
Figure 73 System Setting > Server Name
The following table describes the labels in these screens.
Table 19 System Setting > Server Name
Server Name Enter a name to identify your NSA on the network in this field.
You can enter up to 15 alphanumeric characters with minus
signs allowed but not as the last character. The name must
begin with an alphabet (a-z) and is NOT case sensitive.
Description Add text here to describe the NSA if the Server Name field is
not enough. Use up to 61 characters. You can use all characters
except the following: /\:|[]<>+;,?=*"~.
Workgroup Name Type your workgroup name in this field. A workgroup is a group
of computers on a network that can share files.These user
accounts are maintained on the NSA.
You can enter up to 15 alphanumeric characters with minus
signs allowed but not as the last character. The name must
begin with an alphabet (a-z) and is NOT case sensitive.
Prevent NSA From
Being Master Browser
Select this option if computers in your workgroup are named
with non-English characters (such as Chinese and Russian).
When you perform a search in the workgroup, this option allows
you to locate computers named with non-English characters.