Chapter 15 Maintenance Screens
NSA320 User’s Guide
15.4.1 Report Config Screen
In the Log screen, click Report Config to do the following:
•Use the Email Setting screen (Section 15.4.2 on page 329) to enable and
configure e-mail alerts from the NSA.
•Use the Report Setting screen (Section 15.4.3 on page 330) to select the type
of alerts you want to receive through e-mail and schedule when the NSA e-mails
the alerts.
•Use the Syslog Server Setting screen (Section 15.4.4 on page 331) to enable
the syslog server and select the categories to include in the log report.
15.4.2 Email Setting
You can enable and configure e-mail alerts from the NSA. In the Report Config
screen, click the Email Setting tab to open the following screen.
Figure 180 Maintenance > Log > Report Config: Email Setting
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 104 Maintenance > Log > Report Config: Email Setting
Enable Log Email Click this to have the NSA e-mail log alerts to your e-mail account.
Email To Enter the e-mail address where you want to receive the log alerts.
Email From Enter the e-mail address the NSA uses in the From field of the e-mail
header for its log alerts.
Email Server Enter the e-mail server address the NSA uses to send e-mail alerts,
Email Format Select the e-mail format you want the NSA to use in its e-mail alerts.
Click this if the e-mail server you want the NSA to use for its e-mail
alerts requires a username and password.
User Enter the username for the e-mail server.