
Chapter 3 Web Configurator Basics
NSA320 User’s Guide
3.4.6 Share and Folder Names
The name can only contain the following characters:
Alphanumeric (A-z, 0-9) and Unicode.
The NSA allows FTP access to shares, folders or files with names encoded in the
UTF-8 (8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format) format. So your FTP client
must support UTF-8 in order to access shares, folders or files on the NSA with
Unicode names.
_ [underscores]
•. [periods]
•- [dashes]
Other limitations include:
All leading and trailing spaces are removed automatically.
Multiple spaces within names are converted to a single space.
Share names must be unique (they cannot be the same as other share names).
The NSA creates automatic volume names for external (USB) disk volumes.
These are a type of share, so the share name you configure cannot conflict with
the external (USB) disk volume names. “ExtVol1” or “ExtVol2” are examples of
external (USB) disk volume names.
Folder names must be unique (they cannot be the same as other folder names).
The minimum character length of a name is one character, that is a name
cannot be blank.
The maximum character length of share name is 239 characters.
Share Access Select who can access the files in the share and how much access they
are to be given. If you publish the share to the media server or the
web, all users will have at least read-only access to the share,
regardless of what you configure here.
Select Keep it private to owner to allow only the share owner to read
files in the share, delete files in the share and save files to the share.
Select Make it public to allow anyone (with or without a user account
on the NSA) to read files in the share, delete files in the share and save
files to the share.
Select Advanced to select which individual users can read the share’s
files, which users can delete the share’s files, and which users are
blocked from doing either.
Apply Click this to save your changes.
Cancel Click this to return to the previous screen without saving.
Table 11 File Browser > Configure Share (continued)