Chapter 10 Package Management
NSA320 User’s Guide
10.6 DyDNS Screen
Use this to enable and configure DyDNS.
Dynamic DNS allows you to update your current dynamic IP address with a
dynamic DNS service so that anyone can contact you (such as through NetMeeting
or CUSeeMe). You can also access your FTP server or Web site on your own
computer using a domain name (for instance myhost.dhs.org, where myhost is a
name of your choice) that will never change instead of using an IP address that
changes each time you reconnect. Your friends or relatives will always be able to
call you even if they don't know your IP address.
Click Network > DyDNS to open the following screen.
Figure 132 Network > DyDNS
Download Select a file from the results and click this to start downloading the
This table shows the results of the search.
File Name This shows the name of the file(s) that match the criteria you have
File Size This shows the size of the file(s) that match the criteria you have set.
Source This shows how many peers are currently available to share this file
so that the NSA can download it.
Table 59 Applications > eMule > Search