Chapter 55 Product Specifications
XGS4700-48F User’s Guide
Differentiated Services
With DiffServ, the Switch marks packets so that they receive
specific per-hop treatment at DiffServ-compliant network
devices along the route based on the application types and
traffic flow.
Classifier and Policy You can create a policy to define actions to be performed on a
traffic flow grouped by a classifier according to specific criteria
such as the IP address, port number or protocol type, etc.
Queuing Queuing is used to help solve performance degradation when
there is network congestion. Three scheduling services are
supported: Strict Priority Queuing (SPQ), Weighted Round
Robin (WRR) and Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ). This allows the
Switch to maintain separate queues for packets from each
individual source or flow and prevent a source from
monopolizing the bandwidth.
Port Mirroring Port mirroring allows you to copy traffic going from one or all
ports to another or all ports in order that you can examine the
traffic from the mirror port (the port you copy the traffic to)
without interference.
Static Route Static routes tell the Switch how to forward IP traffic when you
configure the TCP/IP parameters manually.
Multicast VLAN
Registration (MVR)
Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR) is designed for applications
(such as Media-on-Demand (MoD)) using multicast traffic
across a network. MVR allows one single multicast VLAN to be
shared among different subscriber VLANs on the network.
This improves bandwidth utilization by reducing multicast
traffic in the subscriber VLANs and simplifies multicast group
IP Multicast With IP multicast, the Switch delivers IP packets to a group of
hosts on the network - not everybody. In addition, the Switch
can send packets to Ethernet devices that are not VLAN-aware
by untagging (removing the VLAN tags) IP multicast packets.
RIP RIP (Routing Information Protocol) allows a routing device to
exchange routing information with other routers.
OSPF OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is a link-state protocol
designed to distribute routing information within an
autonomous system (AS). An autonomous system is a
collection of networks using a common routing protocol to
exchange routing information. OSPF is best suited for large
DVMRP DVMRP (Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol) is a
protocol used for routing multicast data within an autonomous
system (AS). DVMRP provides multicast forwarding capability
to a layer 3 switch that runs both the IPv4 protocol (with IP
Multicast support) and the IGMP protocol.
VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), defined in RFC
2338, allows you to create redundant backup gateways to
ensure that the default gateway of a host is always available.
Table 170 Firmware Specifications (continued)