Channelized Data 5-5
Configuring Channelized Data
Configuring T1 and E1 Physical Ports
Introduction You have to configure the physical ports for the T1/E1 connections between the
remote nodes and the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch.
T1/E1 physical ports are configured as ports 49 and 50 on the PathBuilder S24x, 26x,
and 27x switch. You can configure up to two T1 or E1 ports per node.
There is an overall limitation of 30 Channelized Data ports for a T1 or E1 card
installed in a node. The remaining ports can be used for voice traffic.
Follow these steps to configure the physical ports on the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and
27x switch.
Step Action Result
1 From the CTP Main menu, select
Configure -> Ports.
The Port Number parameter
2 Enter the port number. This value is
49 or 50.
The Port Type parameter appears.
3 Enter T1 for a T1 connection or E1
for an E1 connection.
The port parameters for E1 or T1
appear in sequence. See the
“Configuring T1 and E1 Physical
Ports” section on page 5-5 for
4 Fill in the remaining port parameters,
and type a semicolon <;>. Press
Return at the last parameter.
This saves your changes.
5 Perform a Node boot. This implements your changes to
the Port record.
You can perform a Node boot after
configuring all the records and
tables for Channelized Data
operation to implement all your
changes at one time if you prefer.