About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch 1-15
Hardware Components
How Ports Are
The following table describes how the ports are used.
DIMs without a
Cable Adapter
Ports 1 and 2 support a DSU DIM without the use of cable adapters.
DIMs with a Cable
If cable adapters are used, Ports 1 and 2 can support the following DIMs:
• High Speed (V.36)
• V.35
• V.11/ISO-4903
Each DIM port can be configured independently of the other port. For example, you
can install: two V.35 DIMs; one V.35 DIM and one V.11 DIM; or two V.11 DIMs.
The cable adapter pinouts are described in Appendix A, Cables.
Port Number Use
1, 2, and 3 Recommended for network port connection or cluster
connectivity. Ports 1 and 2 have variable interfaces, depending
on the DIMs.
4 Ethernet AUI port for routing applications.
6 Control Terminal Port (CTP). When operating as an
asynchronous interface, it can support data rates up to 115.2
kbps. Default CTP configuration parameters are 9600 baud,
8-bit characters, 1 stop bit, no parity. This is an EIA 232-D
DCE port using a DB-25 connector.