1-18 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
Hardware Components
Slot Restriction The T1 dual port digital PBX interface card occupies slot 8 in the PathBuilder S24x,
26x, and 27x switch chassis.
DIP Switch
The T1 dual port digital PBX interface card contains a single DIP switch bank (SW1)
used to assign the card’s I/O base address.
DIP Switch
Set the DIP switches on the T1 dual port digital PBX interface card as shown in
Figure 1-11.
T1/CSU Daughter
The T1/CSU Daughtercard provides a 1.544 MHz point-to-point interface for North
American service that conforms to AT&T 62411/62421 standard. The card is FCC
Part 68 Registered and uses eternal clocking derived from the telephone network.
One or two T1/CSU Daughter Cards can be installed onto the T1 Dual Port card. The
top card supports port 49 and the bottom supports port 50.
For instructions for installing the T1/CSU card, refer to “Installing the T1/CSU
Daughter Card” section in Chapter 3.
Required Cables These cables ship with the T1 dual port digital PBX interface card and are required to
cable the T1 dual port digital PBX interface card to the DSPM/SM cards in the node.
Cable Description Function
One 4-position 40-pin
MVIP ribbon cable
Connects up to 3 DSPM/SM cards to interconnect
digital voice traffic between individual cards in the
same PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch node.
One 8-position 40-pin
MVIP ribbon cable
Connects 4 or more DSPM/SM cards to interconnect
digital voice traffic between individual cards in the
same PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch node.
Two 8-pin modular to
DB15 cables
3-ft adapter converter cables used to convert the
8-pin modular connector on the front of the T1/E1
card to a DB15 connector (Product Code 17269).