About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch 1-23
Hardware Components
Introduction The Digital Signal Processing Module/Server Module (DSPM/SM) supports T1 or
E1 dual port digital PBX interface cards.
Description The DSPM/SM card, used at nodes with digital PBX interfaces, compresses four
digital voice channels. It has no external I/O capabilities.
Function PCM voice and voice signaling, brought into the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x
switch node by the T1/E1 cards, is routed to a DSPM/SM card over the MVIP bus for
compression and transmission to the remote end.
When You Receive
the Card
When you receive a DSPM/SM card, do the following:.
Step Action
1 Remove the card from the packing material.
2 Inventory the contents of the shipping container.
No cables are shipped with the DSPM/SM card. The appropriate
Multi-Vendor Integration Protocol 40-pin ribbon cable and other cables
ship with the T1 or E1 dual port digital interface cards.
3 Power off the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch node.
4 Install the card into the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch node.
5 Cable the card to the T1 or E1 dual port digital interface cards as