display vlan-profile Displays the contents of the VLAN profiles configured on the WX switch.
A VLAN profile lists the VLANs for which traffic is locally switched by
MAPs where the VLAN profile is applied.
Syntax — display vlan-profile [profile-name]
profile-name —VLAN profile name
Defaults — If a profile-name is not specified, the contents of all VLAN
configured on the WX switch are displayed.
Access — All.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 6.0.
Examples — The following command displays the contents of VLAN
profile locals:
WX# display vlan-profile locals
vlan-profile: locals
Vlan Name Tag
-------------- -----
blue none
red 45
ap numbers: 67
Table 26 describes the fields in the display vlan-profile output.
See Also
clear vlan-profile on page 108
set ap local-switching vlan-profile on page 380
set vlan profile on page 127
Table 26 Output for display vlan-profile
Field Description
vlan-profile Name of the VLAN profile.
Vlan Name Name of the VLAN for which local switching is performed.
Mode Value of the 802.1Q tag used for the VLAN.
ap numbers The index numbers of the APs where this VLAN profile is