set radio-profile
Deprecated in MSS Version 4.2. In 4.2, this parameter is associated with
service profiles instead of radio profiles. See set service-profile
short-retry-count on page 456.
set radio-profile
Deprecated in MSS Version 4.2. To enable or disable WMM, see set
radio-profile qos-mode on page 420.
set radio-profile
Enables Unscheduled Automatic Powersave Delivery (U-APSD) on MAP
radios managed by the radio profile. U-APSD enables WMM clients that
use powersave mode to more efficiently request buffered unicast packets
from MAP radios.
When U-APSD is enabled, a client can retrieve buffered unicast packets
for a traffic priority enabled for U-APSD by sending a QoS data or
QoS-Null frame for that priority. U-APSD can be enabled for individual
traffic priorities, for individual clients, based on the client’s request. A
client enables U-APSD for a traffic priority by indicating this preference
when (re)associating with the MAP radio.
A client can but is not required to request U-APSD for all four traffic
priorities. The MAP radio still buffers packets for all traffic priorities even if
the client does not request U-APSD for them. However, to retrieve
buffered packets for priorities that are not using U-APSD, a client must
send a separate PSpoll for each buffered packet.
Syntax —
set radio-profile name wmm-powersave {enable |
name — Radio profile name.
enable — Enable U-APSD.
disable — Disables U-APSD.
Defaults — U-APSD is disabled by default..
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS 5.0.