
CAC mode Call Admission Control mode:
none—CAC is disabled.
session—CAC is based on the number of active user
sessions. If a MAP radio reaches the maximum number of
active user sessions specified in the CAC session field, the
MAP radio rejects new connection attempts.
CAC sessions Maximum number of user sessions that can be active on a
MAP radio at one time, if the CAC mode is session. (If the
CAC mode is none, this value is not used.)
User idle timeout Indicates how many seconds a user session can remain idle
(indicated by no user traffic and no reply to client keepalive
probes) before the session is changed to the Disassociated
Idle client probing Indicates whether client keepalive probes are enabled.
Web Portal Session
When a Web Portal WebAAA session is placed in the
Deassociated state, how many seconds the session can
remain in that state before being terminated automatically.
Mesh enabled Whether WLAN mesh services are enabled for the service
Bridging enbabled Whether wireless bridging is enabled for this service profile.
Load Balance Exempt Whether the MAP radios managed by this service profile are
exempted (do not participate in) RF load balancing.
Web Portal Logout Whether the Web Portal WebAAA logout functionality has
been enabled.
Custom Web Portal
Logout URL
If configured, the URL that Web Portal WebAAA users can
access in order to terminate their sessions.
WEP Key 1 value State of static WEP key number 1. Radios can use this key to
encrypt traffic with static Wired-Equivalent Privacy (WEP):
none —T he key is not configured.
preset — The key is configured.
Note: The WEP parameters apply to traffic only on the
encrypted SSID.
WEP Key 2 value State of static WEP key number 2:
none — The key is not configured.
preset — The key is configured.
Table 70 Output for display service-profile (continued)
Field Description