set spantree
Changes the STP root bridge priority of a wireless LAN switch on one or
all of its VLANs.
Syntax —
set spantree priority value {all | vlan vlan-id}
priority value — Priority value. You can specify a value from 0
through 65,535. The bridge with the lowest priority value is elected to
be the root bridge for the spanning tree.
all — Changes the bridge priority on all VLANs.
vlan vlan-id — VLAN name or number. MSS changes the bridge
priority on only the specified VLAN.
Defaults — The default root bridge priority for the switch on all VLANs is
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — The following command sets the bridge priority of VLAN
pink to 69:
WX4400# set spantree priority 69 vlan pink
success: change accepted.
See Also
display spantree on page 488
set spantree
Enables or disables STP uplink fast convergence on a wireless LAN switch.
This feature enables a WX switch with redundant links to the network
backbone to immediately switch to the backup link to the root bridge if
the primary link fails.
Syntax — set spantree uplinkfast {enable | disable}
enable — Enables uplink fast convergence.
disable — Disables uplink fast convergence.
Defaults — Disabled.
Access — Enabled.