clear ap radio 309
Access — Enabled
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Version 6.0 removed the dap
option for distributed MAPs.
Usage — When you clear a radio, MSS performs the following actions:
Clears the transmit power, channel, and external antenna setting from
the radio.
Removes the radio from its radio profile and places the radio in the
default radio profile.
This command does not affect the PoE setting.
Examples — The following command disables and resets radio 2 on the
MAP access point connected to port 3:
WX1200# clear ap 3 radio 2
See Also
set ap radio mode on page 391
set ap radio radio-profile on page 392
set port type ap on page 97
channel 802.11b — 6
802.11a — Lowest
valid channel number
for the country of
Number of the channel in
which a radio transmits and
receives traffic
mode disable Operational state of the
radio-profile None. You must add the
radios to a radio profile.
802.11 settings
tx-power Highest setting allowed for
the country of operation
or highest setting
supported on the
hardware, whichever is
Transmit power of a radio, in
decibels referred to
1 milliwatt (dBm)
Table 51 Radio-Specific Parameters (continued)