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000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
68 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435
84764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01
010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685
7 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531.
41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373
2454879 000112 543562 4124685784764
643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1
2454879 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0
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6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
Walk toward the house and keep your eyes open for the next Cell
Phone. It’s on a small, gray table near the patio stairs.
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1
41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685
1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879
000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685 1.21354531. 3313157 1 41341.435 434 84 43435 7354 6435784764 643 76 468 764 65373 2 0 0 01 010 1 2454879 000112 543562 4124685
Climb the house steps and skirt
the right side of the building. Take
cover as you round the corner and
aim at a gunman above; he’s on
a balcony above you. Shoot him
for a clean kill that also unlocks
an achievement. The guard falls
through a cellar door and reveals
a safe path into the house.
“McCabe, this is Mr. White. I’ve
returned from Venice, and will be
needing your services later this afternoon. I want the helicopter
fueled and on the landing pad at fourteen hundred hours. You’ll
receive instructions on our destination at that time.”
04_007 Quantum CH01.indd 27 10/20/08 6:45:37 PM